Abridge Joins the National Academy of Medicine's Changemaker Campaign

We are thrilled to announce Abridge's inclusion in the National Academy of Medicine's (NAM) prestigious Changemaker Campaign. This initiative, part of the broader NAM Clinician Well-Being Collaborative, underscores our unwavering commitment to improving the well-being of healthcare workers nationwide.
Administrative burden and challenges with technology continue to be cited as top causes of burnout by clinicians. “As the first changemaker who is a healthcare technology company, we are thrilled to work with leading health systems, professional medical societies, and other healthcare organizations to take action for clinician wellbeing. We see how technology is reducing cognitive load and burnout every day, and as a clinician-led Generative AI company, are excited to support NAM’s priority to implement ‘effective technology tools’ across the healthcare delivery ecosystem,” states Dr. Tina Shah, Chief Clinical Officer, of Abridge, and founding member of the NAM wellbeing collaborative.
The Changemaker Campaign
Launched in October 2023, the Changemaker Campaign aims to reverse trends in health worker burnout and galvanize efforts across the health sector to advance the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being. The campaign fosters information sharing and collaboration to implement evidence-based wellbeing solutions, measures their impact, and promotes solutions to critical challenges. We are honored to be named a Change Maker as we continue to expand our AI platform to reduce time spent on clinical note documentation and other top clerical burdens that pull by clinicians away from their patients.
We look forward to celebrating Health Workforce Well-Being Day together with NAM on March 18th, in honor of the collective progress made towards enhancing health workforce well-being.
We are grateful for this recognition by NAM and remain committed to leveraging this esteemed platform to continue advocating for the well-being of health workers.